Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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LVMH Presents Documentary “Métiers d’Excellence, The Virtuous Circle”

To mark the anniversary of the signature of the WE for ME (Worldwide Engagements for Métiers d’Excellence) Manifesto by all its Maisons in July 2021, LVMH has released a documentary retracing key initiatives taken over the past 12 months to support and promote exceptional creative, craft and customer experience métiers.

Sharing insights from Chantal Gaemperle, Group Executive Vice President Human Resources and Synergies, Alexandre Boquel, Director of Métiers d’Excellence, and Lucie, Apprentice in the Givenchy Couture/Ready-to-wear Workshop, the documentary looks back at initiatives during the year which drove momentum in recruiting talents in the Group’s 280 Métiers d’Excellence.

The documentary opens with Lucie, who had always dreamed of becoming a couturière. After graduating from high school, she faced a host of challenges until her path one day brought her in contact with the world leader in luxury at the “Village des Métiers d’Excellence LVMH”, an annual vocational fair in the Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-bois centered on recruiting talented young people interested in work-study programs in the many skilled professions at the Group. Thanks to the event, Lucie joined the Institut des Métiers d’Excellence LVMH and Maison Givenchy, where she pursues her passion today.

Directed by Juliette Nioré and produced by HRCLS, the 20-minute documentary highlights the array of actions taken following the signature of the We for Me Manifesto in order to engage all generations in the virtuous circle created by the Métiers d’Excellence:

– The Excellent! program for junior high school students to make them aware of the different professions that involve unique savoir-faire, and spark vocations;

– Two Show ME events in Paris and Florence in fall 2021 to celebrate all the talented people, from apprentices to Virtuosos, who practice Métiers d’Excellence at LVMH;

– The You and ME Tour, which visited five cities across France in spring 2022 to give an ever-growing public a chance discover the savoir-faire of our Maisons and offer some 1,200 contracts in these métiers;

– The Institut des Métiers d’Excellence, which continues to expand in France and around the world, and which has already trained over 1,400 apprentices since its creation in 2014;

– The Académie des Métiers d’Excellence, created to bring people who practice these métiers at LVMH Maisons ongoing training opportunities throughout their careers.

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