You don’t have to be a professional singer to know that taking care of your vocal cords is important. All it takes is losing your voice after a concert or having a bad bout of laryngitis to realize just how much you use them! Our voices are more than sound; they’re a way of expressing ourselves, interacting with the world and connecting with others. Whether singing, talking, public speaking or laughing, our vocal cords are hard at work, helping Us be the most authentic versions of ourselves.
Proper throat care is essential, yet it’s not talked about enough. Yelling, loud singing, talking for long periods, spending too much time in cold weather and even eating spicy food can trigger vocal irritation. Even a healthy lifestyle can’t prevent the occasional cold or achy throat.
To promote optimal throat health, celebs like John Legend and Nick Kroll reach for Throat Coat Original Tea. This tasty, caffeine-free tea contains everything you want and none of the chemicals, flavors and additives you don’t. Licorice root and slippery elm are two superstars in the blend, working together to support respiratory health, soothe digestion and lubricate tissues.
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The tea also includes organic ingredients, like marshmallow root, fennel, cinnamon bark, orange peel and wild cherry bark. This potent blend of herbal ingredients is guaranteed to help your tired, overused voice or sore throat turn a corner. Even singers like Ariana Grande and Dave Matthews lean on Throat Coat when needed!
Dave Matthews Band members are such super fans that they partnered with Traditional Medicinals during its “Voices are for Using, Not Losing” campaign. Through this campaign, the brand further demonstrates its commitment to vocal health for all, and therefore self-expression, authenticity and power.
If you’re on-the-go and need a quick solution, Throat Coat Lozenges pack all the benefits without the brewing time. These lozenges are perfect for busy lifestyles, travel, public speaking and long meetings. Choose from three different flavors: sweet orange, eucalyptus mint and lemon echinacea.
Next time your voice needs a little extra TLC, take a note from your favorite stars and brew a cup of Throat Coat. Your vocal cords will thank you later!
Get Throat Coat Original Tea for $7 at Traditional Medicinals!
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