Friday, March 14, 2025

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The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship

Everything is fine. You like each other.

The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship
You notice that your partner meets your eyes and holds your gaze for a little longer than he/she is supposed to. If after some time the action repeats, you can be sure that he/she likes you.


The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship
If during a conversation or a walk your partner tries to turn their body to you, it is definitely a sign of their interest in you. Even when they keep their legs crossed, the toecap will be turned toward you for sure.


The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship

If a woman has happy feelings toward you, she will subconsciously try to bend her body toward you while keeping her back straight, hence making her figure look better.


The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship
Men, in this case, are trying to look bigger and stronger. They straighten themselves up with arms akimbo. During a conversation, they sometimes lean on a wall with their hand at the level of your shoulder to get into your personal space.
The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship
If you start to notice that your hands touch each other by chance very often (even if there is no real reason for it) or many specks of dust appear on your clothes that need to urgently be cleaned, you can be sure that the interest in you is high.


The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship

Sometimes you might notice that, after telling some joke, the person who told it is looking at you and waiting for your reaction. That is an obvious sign of liking; otherwise, whom was he doing his best for?


The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship

Men usually stop smiling widely around the age of 5-6 years. If you notice that a man near you is wearing a Hollywood smile, it can definitely mean that he is really happy, according to the words of the psychologist Patti Wood.

The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship
If you start to notice that a person has started to use the same gestures and intonations that you do, it doesn’t mean that he is your new fan or that he is trying to tease you. It is more likely that he likes you and is copying you subconsciously.


Something is going wrong. You need to talk.

The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship
You are always trying to say something to your partner, but it happens that it is inconvenient to speak: her body is turned away from you, she doesn’t look into your eyes, and she tries to keep a distance. These are all unconditional signs of problems and antipathy.


The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship
When your second half is trying to avoid intimacy, his kisses became quick and formal. If, when he is falling asleep, he turns away from you and sleeps in the fetal position, it is an alarm bell for your relationship.


The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship
If all your jokes are met with an insincere and strained smile or if your every initiative is followed by weak enthusiasm, it means that you are not interesting to your partner. You shouldn’t waste your time on them.


The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship

Body “blocks” during a conversation, such as crossed arms and legs, are a reason to think over if everything is fine in your relationship. If his voice is indistinct, his speech is edgy, and his eyes are always down, it is something worth paying attention to.

The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship
You also should be concerned if your man doesn’t follow simple rules of etiquette like not opening doors for you or not letting you go first. It is the same situation with girls: if she talks a lot on the phone, she forgets about you. During a walk, if you fall behind and your partner doesn’t even look back or slow down, it means that your relationship has started to fade away.
The Body Language Which Will Reveal the Truth About Your Relationship
Loving people tend to show care toward their beloved ones. If instead of straightening your clothes or smoothing your hair, they simply inform you that your hair is messy, you should think whether your relationship is still harmonious.


However, you should remember that these kinds of “symptoms” are not a sentence. They are only signals of misbalance in your relationship. It is important to notice them to be able to correct the situation in time!

This post was originally appeared in Bright Side, Illustrated by Natalia Kulakova.

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